Sunday, September 4, 2011

Two weeks 'till preparations

Two weeks from now I will be getting my things ready to head to the hospital on the morning of Sept. 19th. Well, at least I hope I am. My INR levels for my blood seem to be spiking a little bit, they are at 3.5 as of last Monday. My Coumadin dose has been decreased by 1mg per day to try and bring my INR down to the range we are looking for ( 2-3 ). No one has told me definitively but if my levels go up too much and we can't get it to stabilize I would imagine that it could hinder my surgery. I'm hoping that it won't but nothing has really gone quite right yet. I have my appointment for the thrombosis clinic at The Hamilton General Hospital five days before surgery. Unfortunately my surgeon wants me off of the Coumadin 7 days prior to surgery and my appointment 5 days before with thrombo does not allow for this. We are desperately trying to get this sorted out as this too could affect my chances of getting this done on the 19th. Sometimes it just seems like everything is against me with this surgery. Either way we will push on and hopefully get this all done and over with.

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