Monday, June 27, 2011


The clock is ticking, 9 days 9 hours and 37 minutes and I'm getting a bit nervous. Watching videos on Youtube of people recovering after the same surgery is a bit frightening. I'm not entirely certain that I am ready for the amount of pain that I will be in. I am sure that I will manage just fine and that I can deal with it. I'm just a little worried about the intensity of pain. I've been taking dilaudid which is an incredibly strong narcotic and it doesn't do a whole lot for me. My concern at this point is that they will have to come just short of knocking me out to be able to take the pain away.

Only three days of work left and I'm off for the duration. Friday is a holiday and Monday is my pre-op. I'll be taking Tuesday and Wednesday off to tie up an loose ends before the surgery. N

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