Top Ten reasons I want Spinal Fusion Surgery
There are plenty of reasons that I am itching to get spinal fusion surgery. I'm sure there are ones that I don't even think about. There are probably ones that I have not even realized. But there are plenty that I do think about. These are the top ten.
10. 40 hours of work. It would be nice to not have to come home because I need to take a large dose of some crazy powerful narcotic. Or because the nerve pain is breaking through and there is just nothing I can do about it except lay down. It's getting very hard to live on an inconsistent work week. And employers don't tend to favor people whom they cannot count on showing up.
9. Driving. It would be nice to have the confidence to get in the car knowing that I can drive to wherever it is I am going without being doubled over for the majority of the drive, or having to pull over and put my seat back.
8. Puttering around the house. I don't know how many times I have pulled all the tools and materials necessary out to do some little odd job and ended up having to lay down instead, or writhe in agony on the floor every two minutes because I really just want to get the job done.
7. Walking. I love to go for nice long walks. I just don't want to be known as the neighborhood weirdo laying down on peoples lawns (I've done it) because I just can't make it home.
6. My motorcycle. I've done alot of work to get that thing back up and running so that I can get my license and ride.
5. Dinner. There is nothing worse than sitting down for dinner and having to hit the floor every two or three minutes. I'd love to be assured that I can just sit and enjoy the food without the worry of the pain.
4. Quality of life. I'd like to just enjoy everything more.
3. Kid stuff. Playing, hiking, picnicking, whatever it is, it would be nice to do more. I'm sure it's frustrating for the kids when they want to do stuff with me and I can't. I'd love to be able to do alot more with them without having the worry. After a while of planning things only to have them fall through because you are having one of those days you just tend to give up and end up not doing much. They deserve to have me out doing kid stuff with them.
2. Showers. I would love to take a long hot shower. There is no reason that I should have to sit, kneel, lay down or be in the fetal position to take a shower. Showers should not be painful and I shouldn't have to rush through them just to burst through the bathroom door and collapse on the floor.
1. My loved ones.
I feel bad for Christie. She is absolutely wonderful and does way more work than anyone should without complaint. She shoveled the driveway this past winter many times on her own. I tried to help but I would just end up laying in a snowbank while she shoveled. It does not make me feel good to watch her do the shoveling while I sit back in the warmth of the house.
The kids. I can tell that it bothers them that I suffer quite often. Justin often reminds me to take my pills. He will just show up with them when it is time to take them. Olivia will automatically push over to the middle seat in the car just in case I have to lay back during an emergency stop when we are driving. They all ask often if I am okay when they can tell that I am clearly not okay.
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